
My Top 3 Profitable Activities on Social Media (They DON’T Include What You Post) | Episode 029

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It’s no secret that great content can get your ideal customers engaging with you in no time, especially if you’ve used my 10 simple techniques that can give your Facebook posts a makeover! Your audience will be on the lookout for you every week and may even buy a product or two from you. Content is everything!

Or… Is it?

Find out in today’s episode as I share with you what other things you can do to find your ideal customers, grow your followers, and get them to interact with you in just three easy ways—and it doesn’t have anything to do with your social media posts!

Get your pens out, take notes, and get access to a gold mine of information by tuning in to this episode

We’ll be talking about:

  1. #1: Make sure you are leaving a lasting and impressive first impression [01:00]
    1. Set your brand as your profile picture [01:48]
    2. Make sure your cover image also represents your brand [02:35]
    3. Share why you do what you do in your About section [02:56]
    4. Ask your family and friends to give honest feedback about your page [03:47]
  2. #2: Interact with people on your posts [04:29]
    1. Why should you interact with your audience? [04:55]
    2. Respond to their comment with another question [06:28]
  3. #3: Get out of your page and interact with other people [08:12]
    1. Find some key communities [09:05]
    2. Interact but don’t troll [10:24]
    3. Be well-versed with the social media group’s rules [13:24]
    4. Make friends with people who will likely be your customers [14:01]

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